These instructions will show you how to cancel an eBook order.
Please Note: Orders must be canceled before midnight (AZ time) of the day the order was originally placed. Orders can not be canceled if an eBook file was already downloaded even if it’s the same day of the order. Orders can not be canceled by sending in an email. Orders must be canceled by the member.
1. Login to by entering your email address and password and clicking the Log In button at the top right.
2. After you log in you will be redirected to your Book Dashboard page. Click on the My Account link that is located in the upper left hand corner of the site under the logo.
3. Click the My eBooks tab to see all of the eBook orders you have placed.
4. Click the Cancel Order link that is located under the date. If you do not see the link than the order must have been ordered on a previous day in which the order can not be canceled.
5. Click the Yes, cancel order button to cancel your order. Click the No, return to My Account Page if you decide not to cancel the order.
6. You will return to the My Account page after the order was canceled.