In some languages the binding is on the right side of the book and to successfully print a book on our site you will have to create your PDF in reverse order. These instructions will work for the Creative Suite versions.

1. Open Adobe InDesign.

2. Open your file.

3. Go to File > Print

Creating a PDF in Reverse Order From Adobe InDesign - step 3

4. Select Adobe PDF as the printer

Creating a PDF in Reverse Order From Adobe InDesign - step 4

5. Click the Reverse Order option

6. Click the Setup... button

Creating a PDF in Reverse Order From Adobe InDesign - step 6

7. Click the OK button in the Warning window if it pops up

Creating a PDF in Reverse Order From Adobe InDesign - step 7

8. In the Print window click the Preferences button

Creating a PDF in Reverse Order From Adobe InDesign - step 8

9. Click the Adobe PDF Settings tab

10. Select the PDF/X-1A:2001 option in the Default Settings drop down list

Creating a PDF in Reverse Order From Adobe InDesign - step 10

11. Click the OK button

Creating a PDF in Reverse Order From Adobe InDesign - step 11

12. Click the Print button

Creating a PDF in Reverse Order From Adobe InDesign - step 12

13. Click the Print button

Creating a PDF in Reverse Order From Adobe InDesign - step 13

14. Enter a File name and click the Save button.

Creating a PDF in Reverse Order From Adobe InDesign - step 14

15. The PDF will open after it has been created.

Please Note: You MUST have an even amount of pages to print your book correctly. If not, we will print your book with an extra blank page before page 1.