These instructions will show you how to keep any search engine like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. from seeing your book and displaying a search result when someone searches for your book in one of the search engines.
Please Note: Even if you have set your book to “Private” within the search engines can still see your book, this will show you how to prevent that.
1. Login to by entering your email address and password and clicking the Log In button at the top right.
2. After you log in you will be redirected to your Book Dashboard page.
3. Click on the book details button to access your book’s detail page.
4. Scroll down to the Publishing Status > Publishing Complete section and look for the label titled “Search engines can see this book Edit”. Click the Edit link.
5. Here you will be asked if you sure you want to hide your book from the search engines, click the Yes button to proceed or the No button to cancel the process.
6. After clicking the Yes button you will return to the book detail page where you can see that the label has changed to “Search engines can’t see this book Edit”. If you decide you would like your book visible to the search engines, click the Edit button to make the change.